

Tuesday 17 October 2017

#2 Past Time

Assalamualaikum and hello guys !!!
So it's been a while since my last post right? *lol it's only one entry that I've posted tbh *tehe
Recently, I'm engaged to finish my muqarrar (Quran memorization syllabus) and all praise to Him that I've successfully achieved my target last week *clap hands. But for now, I have to focus to revise my hafazan, yeah 22 juz syafawi for this semester isn't a joke guys. Do pray for me yahh!

So, what do you think this entry about? Simple, it's about past time of course. If not, I'm not using this title laa, ha ha ha (*<*(=

Lately, I'm being in a situation where I felt that if I'll get through in the same situation from my past for the second time, hell no guys. I hate that past, but it keeps haunting me smh. But, as a saying says, for every clouds, there's a silver lining. So far, it motivates me to become stronger and face all the messes rationally. With that, me and my so-poetry-soul made this poem (some thoughts to be precise) for you to appreciate your past and take a lesson from it.

Gambar ihsan drp Prof Google


We have our own past time
there're sweet and joy
there also bitter and sad
so that the taste of life will fulfill each other
even in his cook, the chef combines all the tastes
to serve the best food to be eaten by his customer
so do our life
He combines happiness and sadness
in one's life
so that human will realise, they will
never be on the same state
like swinging on the swing at the playground
also like a rolling wheel
We'll never be in our past time again
thus, use your time at its best
so that you'll have a beautiful past time in your memory
even if you encounter any hard moment 
face it! because what?
the time will always pass
yes or no
it keeps ticking
ticking and ticking without waiting
later on, it'll be in 
The Past Time..

thanks for reading this rambling thoughts :)
till our next time guys! *do pray for my istiqamah in al-Quran and not to forget my exam, tqsm ;)

#2 Past Time

Assalamualaikum and hello guys !!! . . . So it's been a while since my last post right? *lol it's only one entry that I've p...